Thursday, October 20, 2011


Forgetting your past doesn't mean that you should forget your roots.  Where you came from is very important to the development of your character.  It is where you get reference for your past mistakes and make sure you don't make the same ones again.  It is where you decided to gain control of your life and driven you to pursue your dreams and aspirations.

Got the chance to visit my High School Alma Mater yesterday and had a productive chat with some of my former advisers like Dr. Mary Grace Termulo and Mrs. Josephine Lorenzo (forgot her married name) and former teachers Mr. Ruben So, Mrs. Hibionada and Mrs. BanezAlso, Mrs. Amelia Diaz and Dr. James Tan.  Talking to them made me realize that somehow, despite the imperfections of the school before, it played a significant role on my development as a person.  The saddest news however is to learn that my former Reading teacher Mrs. Veto passed away 4 years ago.  I remember seeing her at the mall a few years back with Mrs. Floresta, I didn't realize that it was the last time I would see her. And Mrs. Regalado also was my elementary school teacher, passed away already.  It really has been 19 years since I got to see them again.

Never forget where you came from, it is who you are and it made you what you are today.  All the mistakes, disappointments, heartaches and hardships, all of these are part of growing up and maturing. Remember your teachers, they were your foster parents, respect them. 

"Being a teacher is not just to teach, but to make sure that the students learn." - Mrs. Banez

"Learning is perpetual, there is no graduation. " - Robinson Cloyd Chua