Monday, December 19, 2011


When your life has been a product of other people's dreams and decisions, you come to a point in your life when you just need to FREEZE and DROP everything you're doing and re-evaluate things.  We feed our bodies with almost everything our appetite calls for, we indulge in whatever makes us feel good until of course our bodies start saying, hey, time to DETOX.   Same goes with our lives.  

Guidance is good, but living someone else's dream is another story.  We all want our family to have the best future there is, give them the things we didn't experience or have during our time, but we need to realize that each person is a unique creation, you cannot duplicate yourself all the time.  If we want to help them, we need to discover their gifts and talents and help them develop it.  The measure of success is not having tons of money, it is useless when you die.  True success is having lived your life improving the quality of life of the people around you.

So if you're still living another person's life, start DETOXIFYING, life is not meant to be lived please someone else.  It's meant to be lived pleasing GOD and GOD ALONE!

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