Friday, September 30, 2011


KNOW THYSELF - Socrates. 
Never think that you know yourself well enough. God created each one of us to be unique and in our uniqueness, we discover something new about ourselves everyday. Never limit yourself to what you think you can do, but start doing the things you thought you couldn't do. The only limitation to your progress is YOU. 
Discovering your identity starts with KNOWING THYSELF.  Socrates puts it in 2 words, "KNOW THYSELF", it means so much and makes a whole lot of sense.  Take time off to sit down and be with yourself.  Make an inventory of your life.  What are your gifts, talents, special skills?  Done?  Next, ask yourself, am I using them in my current life (school, career, etc.)?  Now you are on your way to starting your own journey.  It took time for me to realize what I wanted to do, discover what I am capable of and realize the gifts I am blessed with.  For years I have been living another person's dream.  Living in fear of failure and somehow ended up thinking that I was one.  I have hurt other people's feelings in the process but it is a necessary step for me to pursue my own passion and use whatever God-given gifts I have for His glory.  
People around you, especially those who have succeeded in hard times will never understand your decision most of the time.  Although there are short cuts in life, so they say, not all of them can be beneficial for you.  You have to understand that there are certain experiences you need to go through in life, regardless if another person has been there, done that.  Sometimes, it's only a matter of looking at the situation in another perspective.  Sure, they failed, it doesn't mean that you will fail too.  Its not always the destination, its the journey of life.  Our loved ones, because of their tremendous love for us, shielded us from the pains of the world, they didn't want us to go through the pain and hardship they went through.  They don't realize, however, that their good intentions will bring more harm than good.  They failed to realize that the journey made them who they are now, strong, vigilant, wiser, etc.  I am not saying we need to go through every single experience, my point is that there are certain experiences that we need to go through ourselves.
The farmer breaks the ground day in and day out.  He weeds it with his bare hands, he does this until his hands begin to swell and heal.  Then does the same procedure from dawn till dusk, until the land is ready for the seedlings.  He doesn't understand the hardship he is going through in order to feed his family.  All he sees is his misfortune of having to work the ground day in and day out.  Little does he realize that as he does this, his body has become stronger, his hands tougher.  His sight is limited to the fruits of his harvest and what he has to do in order to make a living to feed his family.  Yet again, he failed to see that "good food" is already within his reach.
This is our current mindset, we toil and toil but we don't appreciate the fruits of our harvest.  We always aspire for things we don't need, we spend too much on things we don't even use.  But once we realize the beauty of our own uniqueness, our individuality, then, we will start to do things excellently, we will start to pursue knowledge and improve skill to create and innovate things that would improve our way of life.
Discover your passion, nurture and develop your abilities and use it to create new things.  Believe me, success will follow no matter what.  I do not claim to be a success, YET.  But in this journey God has provided, I will start to do what He wants and not what the world dictates.  And regardless of what the world says, I will trust in His WORD until the day he takes me home.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

10 rules that Made Steve Jobs Successful - Posted by Mark White

According to Newsweek (9/5/11), Steve jobs used these 10 rules to be successful in his mixture of creativity and productivity.
1. Strive for perfection.
2. Surround yourself with experts.

3. Be tenacious in your pursuit of excellence.

4. Figure out what people want before they know they want it.

5. Keep studying. Keep learning.

6. Keep things simple.

7. Keep secrets. Make the public wonder what will happen next.

8. Keep work teams small. No larger than 100 people.

9. Charisma and kindness are greater motivators than fear.

10. Prototype to the extreme. Plan it and model it before it ever goes public.

Leadership is contextual, so there's no guarantee that these rules transfer to any other person or organization. But will they transfer? Jobs is being hailed as a genius, a modern Thomas Edison. Maybe we should take the time to see if they fit what we do?


10 Golden Rules from Steve Jobs by Eduorb Team

A tribute to great entrepreneur Steve Jobs.
Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs (born February 24, 1955) is an American business magnate and inventor. He is co-founder, chairman, and former chief executive officer of Apple Inc.  Jobs' history in business has contributed much to the symbolic image of the idiosyncratic, individualistic Silicon Valley entrepreneur, emphasizing the importance of design and understanding the crucial role aesthetics play in public appeal. His work driving forward the development of products that are both functional and elegant has earned him a devoted following. On August 24, 2011, Jobs announced his resignation from his role as Apple's CEO. In his letter of resignation, Jobs strongly recommended that the Apple executive succession plan be followed and Tim Cook be named as his successor.

“I think we’re having fun. I think our customers really like our products. And we’re always trying to do better.” - Steve Jobs

His accomplishments and character helped define a generation and change the world. He is co-founder of the fairytale company we now know as Apple Computers. And he is the visionary of the personal computers world that led the entire computer hardware and software industry to restructure itself.  This man with boundless energy and charisma is also a master of hype, hyperbole and the catchy phrase. And even when he’s trying to talk normally, brilliant verbiage comes tumbling out.

Here’s a selection of some of the most insanely great things he said, golden lessons to help you succeed in life, Jobs-style:

1. Steve Jobs said: “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”  Innovation has no limits. The only limit is your imagination. It’s time for you to begin thinking out of the box. If you are involved in a growing industry, think of ways to become more efficient; more customer friendly; and easier to do business with. If you are involved in a shrinking industry – get out of it quick and change before you become obsolete; out of work; or out of business. And remember that procrastination is not an option here. Start innovating now!

2. Steve Jobs said: “Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.”  There is no shortcut to excellence. You will have to make the commitment to make excellence your priority. Use your talents, abilities, and skills in the best way possible and get ahead of others by giving that little extra. Live by a higher standard and pay attention to the details that really do make the difference. Excellence is not difficult – simply decide right now to give it your best shot – and you will be amazed with what life gives you back.

3. Steve Jobs said: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”I’ve got it down to four words: “Do what you love.” Seek out an occupation that gives you a sense of meaning, direction and satisfaction in life. Having a sense of purpose and striving towards goals gives life meaning, direction and satisfaction. It not only contributes to health and longevity, but also makes you feel better in difficult times. Do you jump out of bed on Monday mornings and look forward to the work week? If the answer is ‘no’ keep looking, you’ll know when you find it.
4. Steve Jobs said: “You know, we don’t grow most of the food we eat. We wear clothes other people make. We speak a language that other people developed. We use a mathematics that other people evolved… I mean, we’re constantly taking things. It’s a wonderful, ecstatic feeling to create something that puts it back in the pool of human experience and knowledge.”  Live in a way that is ethically responsible. Try to make a difference in this world and contribute to the higher good. You’ll find it gives more meaning to your life and it’s a great antidote to boredom. There is always so much to be done. And talk to others about what you are doing. Don’t preach or be self-righteous, or fanatical about it, that just puts people off, but at the same time, don’t be shy about setting an example, and use opportunities that arise to let others know what you are doing.

5. Steve Jobs said: “There’s a phrase in Buddhism, ‘Beginner’s mind.’ It’s wonderful to have a beginner’s mind.”  It is the kind of mind that can see things as they are, which step by step and in a flash can realize the original nature of everything. Beginner’s mind is Zen practice in action. It is the mind that is innocent of preconceptions and expectations, judgments and prejudices. Think of beginner’s mind as the mind that faces life like a small child, full of curiosity and wonder and amazement.

6. Steve Jobs said: “We think basically you watch television to turn your brain off, and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on.”  Reams of academic studies over the decades have amply confirmed television’s pernicious mental and moral influences. And most TV watchers know that their habit is mind-numbing and wasteful, but still spend most of their time in front of that box. So turn your TV off and save some brain cells. But be cautious, you can turn your brain off by using a computer also. Try and have an intelligent conversation with someone who plays first person shooters for 8 hours a day. Or auto race games, or role-playing games.

7. Steve Jobs said: “I’m the only person I know that’s lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year…. It’s very character-building.”  Don’t equate making mistakes with being a mistake. There is no such thing as a successful person who has not failed or made mistakes, there are successful people who made mistakes and changed their lives or performance in response to them, and so got it right the next time. They viewed mistakes as warnings rather than signs of hopeless inadequacy. Never making a mistake means never living life to the full.

8. Steve Jobs said: “I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates.” Over the last decade, numerous books featuring lessons from historical figures have appeared on the shelves of bookstores around the world. And Socrates stands with Leonardo da Vinci, Nicholas Copernicus, Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein as a beacon of inspiration for independent thinkers. But he came first. Cicero said of Socrates that, “He called philosophy down from the skies and into the lives of men.” So use Socrates’ principles in your life, your work, your learning, and your relationships. It’s not about Socrates, it’s really about you, and how you can bring more truth, beauty and goodness into your life everyday.

9. Steve Jobs said: “We’re here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?”  Did you know that you have big things to accomplish in life? And did you know that those big things are getting rather dusty while you pour yourself another cup of coffee, and decide to mull things over rather than do them? We were all born with a gift to give in life, one which informs all of our desires, interests, passions and curiosities. This gift is, in fact, our purpose. And you don’t need permission to decide your own purpose. No boss, teacher, parent, priest or other authority can decide this for you. Just find that unique purpose.

10. Steve Jobs said: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”  Are you tired of living someone else’s dream? No doubt, its your life and you have every right to spend it in your own individual way without any hurdles or barriers from others. Give yourself a chance to nurture your creative qualities in a fear-free and pressure-free climate. Live a life that YOU choose and be your own boss.  Each lesson might be difficult to integrate into your life at first, but if you ease your way into each lesson, one at a time, you’ll notice an immediate improvement in your overall performance. So go ahead, give them a try.

Source: Internet

Friday, September 9, 2011


As we go through this life, there are always lessons to be learned.  Sometimes the easy way, most of the time, the hard way.  I usually learn lessons the hard way, not because of stubbornness but cowardice.  I was always too fearful to try out, too doubtful of my own capabilities.  My mind was programmed to make sense of everything else first before trying it out.  If it doesn't make sense, then think about it first.  I became a victim of my own fear, instead of soaring like and Eagle, I was trapped inside my eggshell, not wanting to come out until finally realizing that I was the only one left inside the nest.  It was then time to decide to start flexing my wings and fly.  People got hurt, but it was a necessary step to rectify the current situation.  

I remember a story of a man who found a bird's nest.  Inside was an egg, he took it home and waited for the egg to hatch.  The man watched in excitement as the egg began to hatch.  Seeing the bird having a hard time coming out of the shell, he decided to help the little fellow by cracking the egg himself and letting the bird out of the egg.  After a few days, the bird died.  What did the man do wrong?  I'm sure he had the best of intentions, to help the bird out of his shell.  Little did he realize that the hardship involved in "getting out of the shell" was part of the bird's survival training.  It needed to get out of his shell without help to be able to strengthen his body and prepare him for the outside world.  The same happens to us humans when it comes to our loved ones.   We shield them from the pains of the world, from the pains we've gone through thinking that they don't have to suffer as we did.  The results however are not as you may have planned out.  They grew up weak in spirit, easily manipulated by the world, easily hurt and always ever so dependent on you.  They didn't learn to stand on their own two feet.  Remember, good intentions are not always for the best for our loved ones.  We don't ignore the fact that we love them and want to give the best for them.  But we can't always protect them from everything they have to go through, no matter how painful it may be.  What matters is that we are always there to catch them when they fall.

That's what became of my life.  I began to realize that pursuing my passion needs no one's approval but God's.  People may argue and say, if you are God's chosen, then you have to be rich to be able to help others.  We forget that "riches" are not necessarily evident in this world but will be rewarded someday when we meet our Master in the final judgement.  It's God's word and promises against man's.  Who's side are you on?

I needed to change my way of thinking, I had to reprogram my mind and get it in tune with who God wants me to be.  I don't have to defend my actions, decisions or even justify them to anyone.  I would now rather obey God than suffer more consequences of my disobedience to Him.  I am not saying that I am a success now, but I know in my heart that I am God's workmanship in progress.

In life, we encounter countless learning curves, the faster we learn the lessons, the stronger we become,  the stronger we become, the better we face challenges ahead.  

Friday, September 2, 2011


"It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fire. A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that. By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell."  (James 3:5-6)

People are natural "Commentators", admittedly, I am one who likes to comment.  Whether it be photos, posts, movies, programs, news, whatever can be commented upon.  However, it pays to keep your fingers in control when it comes to comments.  I remember one time when I was engaged in a word war in Friendster (long time ago =D).  It cost us our friendship, but growing up meant rebuilding bridges until finally, the friendship was restored. 

We use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, being the more popular here in the Philippines to vent out their emotions, frustrations, gossips, successes, encouragements, business opportunities and the like.  James tells us that a "careless or wrongly placed word of your mouth can cause a forest fire".  Just imagine the power of your words, you can make or break someone with it.  That is why we need to be careful in what we say, especially online.  We have to realize that posting something online will stay there long after we are gone.  People from all over the World Wide Web will be able to view it and it will say a lot about who you are.  Even emails are widely used to air out our frustrations, however, we must always check what we have written before we let our fingers click Enter, Share or Send, because once you click it, the damage has already been done, you can no longer retrieve or take back whatever you have said.  And sometimes, sorry won't even be enough for the damage you may have caused to their reputation or morale.

So, if you're really in a habit of venting out your frustrations, take a minute to read through what you have TYPED before you send or share anything out to the World Wide Web.  You may have all the right to be frustrated and angry, but, it only takes a spark to create a forest fire.  And we all know how difficult it is to put out forest fires. A better alternative would be to post something productive and encouraging, so that people will always have hope for a better future.  As a result, you build better friendships, stronger alliances and a better online community leading to fruitful interpersonal relationships.

Finally, its better to say:  "NO COMMENT" from time to time, to keep you from saying things you will regret for the rest of your life.

Lord, let not my emotions get the best of me. Instead, let your love be the root of my actions. Let me keep silent in times when I am overcome by anger, and let praises and not curses come out of my mouth.  So that my heart may be filled with your love and understanding and wisdom may guide my ways.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

"Do not let your emotions get ahead of you.  Let wisdom guide your actions." -rcc 


Thursday, September 1, 2011


"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it". -1 Cor. 10:13

Viruses have been rampant over the past years, getting more and more sophisticated and even harder to detect.  However, if you would look closely, it's all the same, only packaged and named differently. However, the attacks and damage it does is getting more lethal each time.  The virus hasn't changed, only the strategy.

Same goes with temptation. It's like an infectious virus that when left alone, becomes lethal in itself.  And when we are victorious the first time, it comes back with a new strategy infecting us once again. What Satan used to tempt Eve in the Garden of Eden is no different from what we experience today.  Let's take a look at how the Serpent was able to succeed in tempting Eve in Gen. 3:1-6,  Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”  The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’” “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it." (emphasis mine)

You may reason also that Adam and Eve had no idea what "SIN" or "EVIL" was at that time.  But they were created in the image of God.  It meant that they had the wisdom of God and the free will to choose to obey or disobey the commandment of God.  And the commandment was very clear to them in Genesis 2:17 "but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”  And note that Adam, who knew the commandment more than anyone else was beside her (v.6)The moment we start to reason with ourselves, we fall into sin.

Then, Eve added to the Word of God (v.3) "...and you must not touch it."  The original command didn't include this.  Next, she began to dwell on the fruit and how it can benefit her and began to feel pride. Alas! she was taken over by her flesh.  And where was Adam in all of these?  He was beside her, hearing every single word of the Serpent and probably thinking and feeling the very same thing.

If we look closely at this story, and put it in our modern day setting, it all makes sense that the same temptation from the time of Adam and Eve are still in effect today.  Say for instance you see a sexy young woman pass by.  At first you will notice her, then, you will start reasoning with yourself, "there's nothing wrong with admiring beauty", then you start playing back the images in your mind and one thing will lead to another and then BAM!  You fall into sin. 
When you are faced with temptation, change your thought pattern right away and repent before the Lord.  Fill your thoughts with pure things.  Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.- Phil. 4:8

"Temptation is part of our lives, whether we are Born-Again Christians or not."

"Don't tell temptation to flee you, tell yourself to flee temptation."

"Don't ever think you are alone.  There are countless others out there battling the same temptation or even far greater than yours and are victorious!"


Everyone loves a new scoop, Facebook and Twitter has become so much part of our lives to the extent that we have already created a virtual community online and practically live there.  Even when we are mobile, tweets here and there, updating status, shout-outs and just blurting out our present feelings. Online life has become such a major trend these days that some people forget about the outside world.  They connect online through video chatting and do pretty much everything online, making the World Wide Web their sole domain.   

Some may think that the virtual life is safer, no commitments, no strings attached, not too much risk.  But how well do you know the Virtual World? It's important to know that there is life apart from your computer and mobile devices and living "Virtually" is far more dangerous than actual human interaction.  The reason I say this is because we tend to type indiscriminately, unaware that we are already giving out personal information and later leading to identity theft, house theft and worse comes to worst, even rape and death.   

The internet provided a way for people to connect and bring them closer together, but we have to realize that life is not just connecting with friends, former classmates, colleagues, and meet new people online.  You have to get out and see the world as it is, appreciate God's wonderful creation.  Take time off your computer, your mobile device, and anything that connects you online.  Go out and see what a wonderful day it is, make someone's day by appreciating them, do your part in improving their quality of life.  And should you decide to meet your "online" friend, don't be too excited, take time to investigate, think long and hard, meet in the morning, where there are a lot of people around, take a picture of the person you are meeting, at least you'll have a photo just in case.  Never get into a stranger's car for whatever reason, you will feel uneasy, take your own advice and get yourself out of the situation before it even happens.

"Live offline for a day, when you survive, then you discover a whole new world to explore."  - rcc