Thursday, September 22, 2011

10 rules that Made Steve Jobs Successful - Posted by Mark White

According to Newsweek (9/5/11), Steve jobs used these 10 rules to be successful in his mixture of creativity and productivity.
1. Strive for perfection.
2. Surround yourself with experts.

3. Be tenacious in your pursuit of excellence.

4. Figure out what people want before they know they want it.

5. Keep studying. Keep learning.

6. Keep things simple.

7. Keep secrets. Make the public wonder what will happen next.

8. Keep work teams small. No larger than 100 people.

9. Charisma and kindness are greater motivators than fear.

10. Prototype to the extreme. Plan it and model it before it ever goes public.

Leadership is contextual, so there's no guarantee that these rules transfer to any other person or organization. But will they transfer? Jobs is being hailed as a genius, a modern Thomas Edison. Maybe we should take the time to see if they fit what we do?


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