Thursday, September 1, 2011


Everyone loves a new scoop, Facebook and Twitter has become so much part of our lives to the extent that we have already created a virtual community online and practically live there.  Even when we are mobile, tweets here and there, updating status, shout-outs and just blurting out our present feelings. Online life has become such a major trend these days that some people forget about the outside world.  They connect online through video chatting and do pretty much everything online, making the World Wide Web their sole domain.   

Some may think that the virtual life is safer, no commitments, no strings attached, not too much risk.  But how well do you know the Virtual World? It's important to know that there is life apart from your computer and mobile devices and living "Virtually" is far more dangerous than actual human interaction.  The reason I say this is because we tend to type indiscriminately, unaware that we are already giving out personal information and later leading to identity theft, house theft and worse comes to worst, even rape and death.   

The internet provided a way for people to connect and bring them closer together, but we have to realize that life is not just connecting with friends, former classmates, colleagues, and meet new people online.  You have to get out and see the world as it is, appreciate God's wonderful creation.  Take time off your computer, your mobile device, and anything that connects you online.  Go out and see what a wonderful day it is, make someone's day by appreciating them, do your part in improving their quality of life.  And should you decide to meet your "online" friend, don't be too excited, take time to investigate, think long and hard, meet in the morning, where there are a lot of people around, take a picture of the person you are meeting, at least you'll have a photo just in case.  Never get into a stranger's car for whatever reason, you will feel uneasy, take your own advice and get yourself out of the situation before it even happens.

"Live offline for a day, when you survive, then you discover a whole new world to explore."  - rcc

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