Friday, September 9, 2011


As we go through this life, there are always lessons to be learned.  Sometimes the easy way, most of the time, the hard way.  I usually learn lessons the hard way, not because of stubbornness but cowardice.  I was always too fearful to try out, too doubtful of my own capabilities.  My mind was programmed to make sense of everything else first before trying it out.  If it doesn't make sense, then think about it first.  I became a victim of my own fear, instead of soaring like and Eagle, I was trapped inside my eggshell, not wanting to come out until finally realizing that I was the only one left inside the nest.  It was then time to decide to start flexing my wings and fly.  People got hurt, but it was a necessary step to rectify the current situation.  

I remember a story of a man who found a bird's nest.  Inside was an egg, he took it home and waited for the egg to hatch.  The man watched in excitement as the egg began to hatch.  Seeing the bird having a hard time coming out of the shell, he decided to help the little fellow by cracking the egg himself and letting the bird out of the egg.  After a few days, the bird died.  What did the man do wrong?  I'm sure he had the best of intentions, to help the bird out of his shell.  Little did he realize that the hardship involved in "getting out of the shell" was part of the bird's survival training.  It needed to get out of his shell without help to be able to strengthen his body and prepare him for the outside world.  The same happens to us humans when it comes to our loved ones.   We shield them from the pains of the world, from the pains we've gone through thinking that they don't have to suffer as we did.  The results however are not as you may have planned out.  They grew up weak in spirit, easily manipulated by the world, easily hurt and always ever so dependent on you.  They didn't learn to stand on their own two feet.  Remember, good intentions are not always for the best for our loved ones.  We don't ignore the fact that we love them and want to give the best for them.  But we can't always protect them from everything they have to go through, no matter how painful it may be.  What matters is that we are always there to catch them when they fall.

That's what became of my life.  I began to realize that pursuing my passion needs no one's approval but God's.  People may argue and say, if you are God's chosen, then you have to be rich to be able to help others.  We forget that "riches" are not necessarily evident in this world but will be rewarded someday when we meet our Master in the final judgement.  It's God's word and promises against man's.  Who's side are you on?

I needed to change my way of thinking, I had to reprogram my mind and get it in tune with who God wants me to be.  I don't have to defend my actions, decisions or even justify them to anyone.  I would now rather obey God than suffer more consequences of my disobedience to Him.  I am not saying that I am a success now, but I know in my heart that I am God's workmanship in progress.

In life, we encounter countless learning curves, the faster we learn the lessons, the stronger we become,  the stronger we become, the better we face challenges ahead.  

1 comment:

  1. Great! That's true Brother Rob. God wants to bring His children to Canaan - the land of promise & prosperity. But they have to go through the desert first. "Be strong & take courage," says the Lord.
